Step into your power & shine.

Learn how to become fully embodied in your authentic expression and create a life that FEELS GOOD with this self paced toolkit.


A course from my heart to yours 

Nervous system regulation and energetic maintenance for daily use. The tools I share in this course facilitate an opportunity for you to completely shift how you move through life with:

  • On demand lessons
  • Guided practices & meditations
  • Journaling exercises
  • Lifetime access to the course
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Simplistic, sustainable support

Intentionally created as "bite size" pieces so that you can come back, again and again.

  • Ground into your body
  • Enhance your intuition
  • Create healthy habits around boundaries & energetic hygiene
  • Learn how to personalize somatic practices such as tapping to support you through releasing stuck emotions, moving through uncomfortable sensations and rewiring limiting beliefs
I'm Ready


Experience tangible relief

Encourage a life of ease and flow

While some techniques take months of repetition to see results, tools such as breathwork, tapping and mindful movement provides us the ability to create shifts almost instantly. This benefits our mind, body, and soul real time, with nothing more than our body and intention. We explore multiple techniques to support you in every season of life.

I Feel Seen

What people are saying...

“If you are an empath searching for guidance on how to navigate your emotions, the energies of others & deciphering between the two, Lori has put together the ultimate guidebook to gently lead you towards understanding & clarity."

Megan B.

“Lori is an absolute master at being warm, inviting & supportive. Her self led toolkit includes digestible explanations, love & techniques to handling the sympathetic energy that we hold onto. She has helped me find myself, let go of past trauma & start listening to my body's needs.”

Anna B.

"Embodied is a beacon of light. I love that I can have Lori's calming, unconditional soul in my pocket. It is packed with valuable information and I love that the videos are short so that I can fit it between work, kids & time with my husband.”

Kaitlin M.

Soft. Compassionate. Informative. Life Changing.


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